The Average Duck

Become More of Who You Really Are
Personal Strengths Coaching
for Individuals and Organizations
Chris Raines
Chris Raines
HUMN Development, CEO
Certified Personal Strengths Coach
Our Humn Development personal strengths coaches assist individuals and team leaders in identifying a person’s natural talents and developing them to their fullest potential.
For many, personal strengths coaching is like getting a shot in the arm: a boost of confidence, or a new direction in life. In business, this means not only do you benefit from coaching, but so does your team. Personal strengths coaching can enhance your understanding and appreciation for the skills you are innately good at. Learning about your stronger skills allows you to further develop them. Simultaneously, you can choose to let other team members leverage their best skills, which might be among your weaker ones. This approach fosters team building in a meaningful way. It also provides direction for setting meaningful goals and taking action steps for both yourself and your team.
Personal Strengths Coaching
Becoming More Than The Average Duck
The best approach is Your Approach.
The Animal School:
Fable By George Reavis
Let the fish swim.
Let the rabbits run.
Let the eagles fly.
We don’t want a school of average ducks.
Trying to teach a duck to be a great runner and swimmer results in being average overall.



Individuals learn their top natural talents, how to leverage them for better work performance, and how to avoid the pitfalls of over-indexing a natural talent.
  • Sharpen your skills and improve problem solving
  • Improve your job performance
  • Define your personal brand
  • Realize your optimal career direction
  • Stand-out from average ducks
Creating a culture where people want to work, feel fulfilled and can realize their full potential doesn’t happen by accident. Coaching can bring out the best from your team.
  • Strengths-based teams perform better
  • Make team management easier
  • Help teams perform at their highest level
  • Better employee experience and retention
High-Performing Organization Start With the Right Culture
And the right culture starts with personal strengths coaching.
When you get the best out of your people, you get the best out of your business.
Strengths-based development helps workgroups realize up to*:
29% Increased Profit
19% Increased Sales
72% Lower Attrition
7% Higher Customer Engagement
What About Weaknesses?
It is about maximizing your personal strengths.
Most people are taught to work on their weaknesses. But instead, they should be learning how their strengths can overshadow their weaker areas.
Focusing on applying your natural strengths rather then improving your weaknesses*:
6X As Likely to be engaged in your job
6X As Likely to Strongly Agree You Have The Opportunity To Do What You Do Best
3X As Likely To Report Having An Excellent Quality Of Life
Personal Strengths Coaching Answers, “who Am I, and How Do I Maximize My Success?”
We’ve all wondered who we are, what our natural talents are, and what makes us unique.
Coaching includes a CliftonStrengths assessment. These 34 themes represent what  people do best. They categorize all that’s right with mankind – distilled down to 34 different themes. Your Personal Strengths Coach helps you apply this knowledge to improve job performance, define your personal brand, realize your optimal career path, and stand out from the average duck.
Sharpen Your Skills.
Improve Your Problem Solving.
Aim Your Strengths at Success.
Deploying Your Customized Personal Strengths Coaching
for Individuals and Organizations
Deployment of HUMN Development’s coaching can be customized to an individual, a team of any size, or across an entire business.
Individual Coaching
Small Group Coaching
Complete Business Unit Coaching
Clifton Strengths coaching

Dave B.:

I’d like to take the opportunity to recognise Chris for the StrengthsFinder session he ran for our Global Commercial Credit leadership team in Phoenix. As I said at the time, it was a great learning and team building exercise for our team. Chris brought all his energy and experience to deliver an excellent session. The perfect combination of passion for the subject, expert knowledge and excellent presentation skills. Thank you!!!

Kelsey C.:

I just wanted to say thank you for today’s workshop. In school we don’t always talk about human dynamics and how people can be successful in different ways rather than just getting an A. These sessions make people fell like they are important in so many ways and I am thankful we have someone like you to lead us through that journey. Even though I did not write a mid-year due to my recent start date it was great to participate and learn things about my teammates.

Patricia G.:

Good afternoon Chris! 

I completed my assessment about a year ago during a session for a LEAD program, but I never received the kind of attention to these results as I had today. I gained so much insight and explanation from you that it made my Strengths seem way more applicable than I had already known they were. Will take your advice and “homework” and certainly begin to apply them to my every day routine. 

Thank you so very much for your time and expertise, definitely looking forward to becoming more involved in this in the future. 

Saisha S.:

Thank you for an amazing session Chris.

I will definitely find myself listening to the recording. You are gifted in the ability of  sharing insights with thought and humor. I hope you we get to hear you more .. maybe Ted Talks 😊