The Average Duck

Weaknesses – 1


Weakness – we’re obsessed with it! So, what should we do about it?

My guess is that if you’re reading this you are someone interested in turning the potential you feel inside yourself into performance. In your life or career journey so far you’ve had a mentor(s) give you advice, colleagues that gave you feedback, personal challenges to overcome or are perhaps still struggling with. You’ve attended various “classes” on development based on lots of tools, and left them all feeling energized to do something. Further and sadly my guess is that feeling didn’t last long. You woke up the next day with life waiting for you; bills still to pay, responsibilities still there to live up to, with a to do list as long as your arm and little time or energy left at the end of all that for you.

So, what happened?

We simply go back to doing what we did before this “event”. Perhaps now more frustrated with ourselves than before about why we “just can’t figure this stuff out”. We don’t know how to put tactically what we learned into practice. A lot of these events sound easy but do hard.

But there’s more to it, Gallup discovered in some of their research that we are hardwiredtowards weakness. Weakness here being anything that gets in the way of your success.

It seems most psychologists will tell you that’s normal. So, feeling this frustration is normal, perhaps even natural.

Living with it shouldn’t be.

With everything on your plate right now it might feel like life demands you use your two hands to hold your talents and your weaknesses. We need to change that to BOTH hands holding onto your strengths.

A colleague once told me that the solution to increasing complexity is to increase simplicity. For most things use the simplest options to solve the problem.

Four Steps. That’s it.

  1. Who are you – really?
  2. Can you stop doing what highlights the weakness?
  3. Can someone else do this activity instead?
  4. If you have to do it can you use a different approach that better aligns with your talents?

Over the coming posts we’re going to explain each of these segments in clearer detail so if you’re interested in how to put this information to use check back in with us soon!

In the meantime if we can be of help Just reach out at: Coach Chris

Let’s chat!